Create Rally Flying training task

Create training task with Rally Flying Task Creator and Flight Contest
Last modified 21.06.2023


    Select TaskMACON ZA 11 PAR‚ and press button ‚Load
    It moves the map center to the planned task.

    Select MapFrance Macon East‚ and press button ‚Load
    It shows the French street map instead of the topographical OSM based OpenTopoMap map.
    With Opacity you can switch between both maps.
    With it you can see the differences between the street map and the topographical map.
    Usually the topographical map is more accurate because it is not optimized for road navigation.

    Press button ‚FC
    Exports a kml file from this task

    Install Flight Contest on your computer or
    Download FCSetup-3.3.4.exe and start it.

    Open Flight Contest on your computer

    Create a contest

    Import kml file with ‚Routes -> Import FC route
    There are 2 typical errors, which can be ignored
    ‚2 circle centers exist‘: this route is not ready for evaluation
    ‚3 unknown previous turn points‘: photos near the circle can not be assigned yet

    Convert route for evaluation
    Open ‚Route settings‚, select open ‚Export semicircle gates from circle centers‚ and press button ‚Update

    Press button ‚GPX export (with semicircle gates)
    Saves file ‚MACON_ZA_11_PAR.gpx‘

    Import gpx file with ‚Routes -> Import FC route
    If you get the error ‚Coordinate turning loops deviating‘ press the button ‚Calulate legs again

    Now your route is ready for evaluation.
    Add crews, tasks and navigation tests.