International competitions

Precision Flying

Ruleset (2024)

Landing ruleset (2024)

Flight map (OSM: 01-Jul-2024, OpenAIP: 01-Nov-2024)

Flight planning form

Flight plan

Debriefing form

Result form

Air Rally Flying

Ruleset (2024)

Landing ruleset (2024)

Flight map (OSM: 01-Jul-2024, OpenAIP: 01-Nov-2024)

Flight plan

Observation answer form

Result Form

Air Navigation Race

Ruleset (2024)

Landing ruleset (2024)

Planning and evaluation of ANR competitions (new)

Flight map (OSM: 01-Jul-2024, OpenAIP: 12-Jan-2025)

Flight plan (new)

ResultForm (new)

Last modified 26-Jan-2025